
EBAnO (Explaining BlAck-box mOdels) is a wide research project focused on the explanation of Artificial Intelligence (xAI) models.

Check-out the EBAnO-Ecosystem on GitHub.


EBAnO Express

EBAnO Express is a simple and reliable explanation tool that can be used to deeply understand the reasons behind every prediction made by DCNN.

Check-out EBAnO Express on GitHub and have a look to running examples.

EBAnO Express Examples

EBAnO Explanation library_pic

Explanation Library

A library of explanations is available online. The explanations have been produced by EBAnO analyzing four different DCNN models:

The explanation library is available at EBAnO Explanation Library

EBAnO Explanation library_pic

EBAnO Survey

A survey about the quality and the simplicity of understanding of the explanations produced by EBAnO is available at EBAnO Survey

EBAnO Survey_pic


If you find EBAnO useful in your projects or in your research you are welcome to have a look and cite our papers:


For further support or question you can contact francesco.ventura@polito.it